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Number of visualization methods were implemented in cevomod.



cd <- test_data
#> <cevodata> dataset: test_data
#> Genome: unknown
#> SNV assays: snvs (default)
#> CNV assays: cnvs (default)
#> 4 cases, 4 samples, 1 sample per case
#> 16000 mutations total, 4000 +/- 0 mutations per case
#> Active models:

Data overview

Sequencing depth

VAF distributions

VAF spectra

VAF spectrum is a histogram of the Variant Allele Frequencies, the most straightforward representation of the VAF distribution. It is a base plot for cevomod model representations.

plot_SFS(cd) +
  aes(fill = sex) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c(male = "#DD4124", female = "#00496F")) +
  labs(title = "Variant Allele Frequency Spectrum")
#> Calculating SFS statistics
#> Calculating f intervals, using VAF column
#> Warning in geom_bar(join_aes(bar_mapping, mapping), stat = "identity", alpha =
#> alpha, : Ignoring unknown aesthetics: width

plot_SFS(cd, geom = "line") +
  aes(color = sample_id) +
  labs(title = "Variant Allele Frequency Spectrum") +
#> Calculating SFS statistics
#> Calculating f intervals, using VAF column

Cumulative tails

Cumulative tails show the number of mutations with a frequency higher than f (x-axis). It uses the log-log scale by default, in which the power-law tail with \(\alpha\) equal to 2 is a straight line.

plot_cumulative_tails(cd, size = 0.5, scale_y = FALSE)
#> Calculating cumulative tails, using VAF column

M(f) ~ 1/f

\[M(f) \sim \frac{1}{f}\] statistic was described by Williams et al. (2016). In this representation, the power-law tail with \(\alpha\) equal to 2 is a straight line.

#> Mf_1f's not calculated yet. Calculating with default bins
#> Calculating Williams's M(f) ~ 1/f statistics, using VAF column


Drier mutations can be easily annotated on the VAF plots using the layer_mutations() function. By default, only the mutations with HIGH or MODERATE impact are annotated, but a custom filtering function can be applied with the filter argument.

plot_SFS(cd) +
  layer_mutations(cd, mapping = aes(x = VAF), drivers = "BRCA")
#> Calculating SFS statistics
#> Calculating f intervals, using VAF column
#> Warning in geom_bar(join_aes(bar_mapping, mapping), stat = "identity", alpha =
#> alpha, : Ignoring unknown aesthetics: width
#> Warning in ggrepel::geom_label_repel(mapping = join_aes(default_mapping, :
#> Ignoring unknown aesthetics: shape

Also, custom list of genes can be provided with the genes argument:

plot_SFS(cd) +
  layer_mutations(cd, mapping = aes(x = VAF), genes = c("TP53", "BRCA1"))
#> Calculating SFS statistics
#> Calculating f intervals, using VAF column
#> Warning in geom_bar(join_aes(bar_mapping, mapping), stat = "identity", alpha =
#> alpha, : Ignoring unknown aesthetics: width
#> Warning in ggrepel::geom_label_repel(mapping = join_aes(default_mapping, :
#> Ignoring unknown aesthetics: shape

Mutation plots

Mutations in many genes of interest can be plotted with plot_mutations():

plot_mutations(cd, drivers = "BRCA")


Active models can be plotted with plot_models()

test_data_fitted |> 
#> Warning in geom_bar(join_aes(bar_mapping, mapping), stat = "identity", alpha =
#> alpha, : Ignoring unknown aesthetics: width

The plots can be ealisy customized:

test_data_fitted |> 
  plot_models() +
  aes(fill = sex) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c(male = "#DD4124", female = "#00496F")) +
  labs(title = "Models")
#> Warning in geom_bar(join_aes(bar_mapping, mapping), stat = "identity", alpha =
#> alpha, : Ignoring unknown aesthetics: width

And the model components can be shown or hidden with show_ arguments

test_data_fitted |> 
  plot_models(show_subclones = FALSE) +
  aes(fill = sex) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c(male = "#DD4124", female = "#00496F")) +
  labs(title = "Models")
#> Warning in geom_bar(join_aes(bar_mapping, mapping), stat = "identity", alpha =
#> alpha, : Ignoring unknown aesthetics: width