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CliP is an algorithm for clonal structure identification through penalizing pairwise differences by Wenyi Wang Lab at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.







directory in which to seek for the CliP results


  • read_clip_all(): Read CliP results for all lambdas

  • read_clip_all_wide(): Read CliP results for all lambdas, in the wider format

  • read_clip_best_lambda(): Read CliP results for best lambda only


dir <- system.file("extdata", "CliP", package = "readthis")
#> $mutation_assignments
#> # A tibble: 8,497 × 6
#>    sample_id chrom   pos cluster_index lambda best_lambda
#>    <chr>     <chr> <dbl>         <dbl> <chr>  <lgl>      
#>  1 SampleA   chr1      1             2 0.2    TRUE       
#>  2 SampleA   chr1      2             1 0.2    TRUE       
#>  3 SampleA   chr1      3             2 0.2    TRUE       
#>  4 SampleA   chr1      4             0 0.2    TRUE       
#>  5 SampleA   chr1      5             2 0.2    TRUE       
#>  6 SampleA   chr1      6             0 0.2    TRUE       
#>  7 SampleA   chr1      7             0 0.2    TRUE       
#>  8 SampleA   chr1      8             2 0.2    TRUE       
#>  9 SampleA   chr1      9             1 0.2    TRUE       
#> 10 SampleA   chr1     10             0 0.2    TRUE       
#> # ℹ 8,487 more rows
#> $subclonal_structure
#> # A tibble: 7 × 6
#>   sample_id cluster_index num_SNV cellular_prevalence lambda best_lambda
#>   <chr>             <dbl>   <dbl>               <dbl> <chr>  <lgl>      
#> 1 SampleA               0    1894              0.928  0.2    TRUE       
#> 2 SampleA               1     575              0.233  0.2    TRUE       
#> 3 SampleA               2    1817              0.0884 0.2    TRUE       
#> 4 SampleB               0    1903              0.968  0.1    TRUE       
#> 5 SampleB               1     238              0.49   0.1    TRUE       
#> 6 SampleB               2     558              0.230  0.1    TRUE       
#> 7 SampleB               3    1512              0.0867 0.1    TRUE       